The agent indicates that the increase in maximum lot coverage is because the lot is irregularly shaped with a portion of the parcel incorporating half of the closed alley. The agent states the increase in lot coverage is modest, and that the proposed semi-detached dwelling will comply with all other setback regulations (front yard depth, rear yard depth, and side yard width), will not have any impact on abutting properties in terms of privacy, sunlight, or parking), and that it will be compatible with the neighbourhood in terms of scale, massing, height, siting, orientation, setbacks and parking. Staff concur with this position.

Regarding the minimum lot area, the “In Fill Grade Plan” submitted by the applicant indicates the lot area is 4,840 sq. ft. This converts into 449.65 m2 and rounds to 449.7 m2, which is just under the required minimum lot area of 450.0 m2. Given the negligible difference, Staff recommend that the maximum lot area be as existing.

The proposed semi-detached dwelling must comply with all other zoning provisions and is NOT subject to site plan control.

Risk Analysis:


Financial Matters:


Comments received from municipal departments and external agencies are attached as Appendix E.

Public Notice: Statutory notice was advertised in the Windsor Star, a local daily newspaper. A courtesy notice was mailed to property owners and residents within 120m of the subject parcel.

Planner’s Opinion:

The Planning Act requires that a decision of Council in respect of the exercise of any authority that affects a planning matter, “shall be consistent with” Provincial Policy Statement 2020. The requested zoning amendment has been evaluated for consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement 2020 and conformity with the policies of the City of Windsor Official Plan.

Based on the information presented in this report, it is my opinion that an amendment to Zoning By-law 8600 to rezone the subject parcel from Residential District 1.3 (RD1.3) to Residential District 2.1 (RD2.1) and adding a site specific exception to allow the proposed semi-detached dwelling is consistent with the PPS 2020, is in conformity with the City of Windsor Official Plan, and constitutes good planning.