I have been retained by 2705285 Ontario Inc., Zeshan Choudhry the applicant, to provide a land use Planning Rationale Report (PRR) in support of a proposed building conversion from a commercial use to residential use for property located at 5787 to 5795 Tecumseh Road East (herein the “Site”) in the City of Windsor, Ontario.

The purpose of this report is to review the relevant land use documents including Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) 2020, the City of Windsor Official Plan (OP) and the City of Windsor Zoning By-law (ZBL).

The existing building on the Site currently has two (2) commercial units on the main floor, one (1) residential unit behind the commercial uses and four (4) residential units above, on the second floor.

It is proposed to convert the two (2) commercial units on the main floor to two (2) residential units. The total number of residential units in the existing building on the Site will be seven (7).

A site specific Official Plan Amendment (OPA) and Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) is required in support of the proposed development.

Pre-submission was completed by a representative of the applicant (City File #PS 006/20). Comments dated March 2, 2020 were received and have been incorporated into the proposed application.

It is appropriate for the City of Windsor to approve the OPA and ZBA to permit residential development on the Site as it is in close proximity to other residential uses and is appropriate for infilling. The proposed Site is located close to amenities, such as schools, churches, transportation routes and shopping.

The existing building is deemed to be underutilized. The removal of the commercial use will not impact the area as the space provided limited opportunities for employment.

The proposal represents good planning as it addresses the need for the City to provide residential infilling development in the form of a multiple dwelling, which contributes to affordability and intensification requirements.

This PRR will show that the proposed development is suitable intensification of residential use, is consistent with the PPS, conforms with the intent and purpose of the City of Windsor OP and represents good planning.