Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, July 13, 2020

Decision Number: DHSC 176

THAT an amendment to Zoning By-law 8600 BE APPROVED changing the zoning of Part Lot 15, Concession 5, situated on the south side of Cabana Road East, known municipally as 525-535 Cabana Road East, by deleting Section S.20(1)223and replacing it with the following:

“223. For the lands comprising part of Lot 15, Concession 5, described as PIN 01298-0080 LT and 01298-0081 LT, situated on the south side of Cabana Road East, east of Howard Avenue, that a medical office, business office, pharmacy, professional studio, health studio, Personal Service Shop, restaurant and take-out restaurant with the exclusion of an outdoor patio and Drive Through shall be additional permitted uses and that the following regulations shall apply:

  1. All parking spaces shall be located in the front yard and side yard. Parking spaces are prohibited in the rear yard.

(ii) Maximum building height

- one storey

(iii) Maximum net floor area

- 474 square metres

(iv) Minimum rear yard setback

- 3.0 metres

(v) Minimum west side yard width

- 0.0 metres

(vi) Minimum east side yard width

- 3.7 metres”


THAT the site owner UNDERTAKE an affidavit to provide the other restrictions on the property; and,

THAT Legal BE DIRECTED to work with the proponent to finalize what would be listed on title to satisfy the concerns of the residents and PREPARE an additional information report for Council’s consideration to further explain the development restrictions proposed by the proponent.

Report Number: S 88/2020

Clerk’s File: ZB/13809

There being no further business the meeting of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee (Planning Act Matters) portion is adjourned at 5:56 o’clock p.m.

The Chairperson calls the Administrative Items portion of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting to order at 5:56 o’clock p.m.


11.1. Closure of the north/south alley south of Wyandotte Street E., abutting the east limit of Florence Avenue extension, and the closure of a remnant portion of the east/west alley south of Wyandotte Street E., east of Florence