July 13, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Cmte Mtg
Item 7.2
Additional Information

From: joycelyn maclachlan

Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 5:58 PM

To: Szymczak, Adam

Subject: Re zoning letter

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I live at 2330 Girardot Ave, Windsor, ON N9B 1R4, Canada. I am concerned and upset to receive a notice about what is happening across the street. The major impact will be parking access, as we already receive overflow from uofw students. The reason I am most upset is a 4 plex was built and no notice was ever given. This structure creeps me out, it has direct sight into my yard, my privacy is gone and violated. Again, we will now have to fight for parking since there is not ample space for building and guests. Please advise how this structure passed without neighbouring properties being notified.

I am a taxpayer for over 20 years and planned on staying, but with all the rental income properties popping up, it brings many concerns. Just compare police calls from 5yrs vs today. Not fair that my neighborhood is being invaded for the profit of out of town landlords for the most part. Please care about the residents who work, live and support the neighborhood.

Joycelyn MacLachlan (Geoffrey) maiden name I paid a lawyer 2x to update city gave up.

Also, curious to know Parks Master plan, we have beautiful greenspace behind us currently, will that stay? Who and how do I get access to that information, it should be public record?