July 13, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Cmte Mtg
7.1 Additional Information

From: Dave Woodall

Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 11:48 AM

To: Szymczak, Adam

Subject: ICB EXEMPTION 2020-8 for 2650 Metcalfe Street

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Good morning Adam.

I see that the meeting is scheduled now for July 13/2020. To reiterate - with regard to the subject request for exemption, one of my companies is the owner of 1350 St. Luke Road which backs onto the subject property. We purchased our property just over two years ago.

As you know, the subject property was a truck yard until earlier this year at which point the yard was emptied and has been unused ever since. Our yard is entirely paved – the yard at 2650 Metcalfe Street has only partial paving – and, more importantly, no dust control on the unpaved areas. There are many days when the trucks/trailers were moving around said yard that there was a resulting dust cloud around our building if the wind was from the north or east. Despite our doors being closed, everything in the building gets a fine layer of dust. The vehicles and other items stored in our yard end up covered in dust.

While we have no objection to the use of the property as a trucking/storage yard, the yard MUST be paved in accordance with City bylaws to control the dust before said use can be further allowed.

I do not see a need to appear before Council as long as dust control measures are made a condition of the proposed exemption for 2650 Metcalfe Street is granted and are implemented prior to any further usage as a truck yard.

Dave Woodall