CITY HALL                                                             Phone: (519)255-6211 
N9A 6S1                                                                 Fax: (519)255-6868

other purposes noted below, to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Parks, City Engineer, and City Planner:

  1. To provide part of the required setback/buffer from the Little River Pollution Control Future Treatment Plant Expansion per Ministry of Environment, Conservation & Parks' guidelines;

  2. protection of existing south and west hedgerows, per Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry's guidelines

  3. protection of 20m-wide southerly Archaeological Potential Zone per Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Sport's guidelines. 

15. Climate Change Considerations - New Trees: The owner(s)shall

  1. plant new trees in the parkland allowance (block 35), to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Parks; and

  2. comply with the requirement that new trees planted as a result of the approval of this development shall incorporate native species and be adaptable to future climate models projecting increased hot days and average temperatures to 2050, to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Parks and the City Engineer.

16. Noise Control Measures for Blocks 26 to 34 (inclusive): The Owner(s) shall at its entire expense

  1. install a noise barrier fence along Wyandotte Street East as recommended in the October 10, 2018, Acoustic Assessment Report prepared by Akoustik Engineering Limited; and

  2. ensure that ducting is provided for the installation of Central Air Conditioning for all the affected lots, to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official.

17.Warning Clause(s) for Blocks 26 to 34 (inclusive): The Owner(s) shall place the following warning clauses in all Offers to Purchase, and Agreement of Purchase or Sale or lease between the Owner(s) and all prospective home buyers, and in the title of each dwelling unit that backs onto, or has a shared property line with Wyandotte Street East:

  1. “Purchasers/tenants are advised that despite the inclusion of noise control features in the development and within the building units, sound levels due to increasing road traffic (rail traffic) (air traffic) may on occasions interfere with some activities of the dwelling occupants as the sound levels exceed the sound level limits of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation & Parks.”