In addition to the financial incentive programs that can be offered through an approved CIP, the Planning Act also permits the municipality to undertake the following community improvement activities in an effort to facilitate the development of affordable housing:

  1. Acquire, hold, clear, grade or otherwise prepare land for community improvement;

  2. Construct, repair, rehabilitate or improve buildings on land acquired or held by it in conformity with the community improvement plan; and,

  3. Sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of any land and buildings acquired or held by it in conformity with the community improvement plan.

Some of these activities would be necessary to implement the goal to Sustain and Expand Social and Affordable Housing Supply under the Home, Together: Windsor Essex Housing and Homelessness Master Plan. The ability to “sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of land” also supports the strategy to “identify municipal surplus properties and pursue the use for affordable housing developments.”

Sale of Land at Less than Market Value

The City of Windsor may chose to dispose of municipally owned land or buildings within the Community Improvement Project Area for the purpose of developing affordable housing units. This is consistent with Home, Together: Windsor Essex Housing and Homelessness Master Plan strategy to “identify municipal surplus properties and pursue the use for affordable housing developments”

The City has the option to dispose of municipally owned property or buildings at less than market value in order to encourage the development of affordable housing. In order to facilitate land transactions for affordable housing, Council has the option to deem any property located within the Community Improvement Project Area to be a “Special Project” as defined by the City of Windsor’s “Disposal of Land” policy for the purposes of Community Improvement (in this case providing affordable housing).

Properties that are deemed to be a “Special Project” have more flexibility in how they can be disposed of using one or more of the following methods: