Department did issue a permit on March 16, 2020 to do the repairs to the balcony. He adds it is his understanding that they have not done any inspections since that date.

Amina Meddaoui, appellant indicates the work on the building is underway and should be complete within a week or two. She adds they will not require more than a month to complete the work.

The Chair asks if the committee provides an extension of time, will this matter come back to the committee, or will the Building Department proceed from that point. R. Vani responds we will proceed with our normal enforcement after the new deadline provided by the committee and he adds this matter will not come back.

Moved by Councillor Sleiman, seconded by D. Laurendeau,

That the Order to Repair VY 19-218632 regarding property at 933 Goyeau Street Windsor, Ontario by 1451799 Ontario Inc. BE CONFIRMED and further, that an extension of time for two (2) months to July 19, 2020 BE APPROVED.


There being no further business, the meeting is adjourned at 9:57 o’clock a.m.



