inclusionary zoning policies. The assessment report must be updated every five years for the purpose of determining whether any of the inclusionary zoning policies should be amended. The assessment report must contain the following:

  1. An analysis of demographics and population in the municipality.

  2. An analysis of household incomes in the municipality.

  3. An analysis of housing supply by housing type currently in the municipality and planned for in the official plan.

  4. An analysis of housing types and sizes of units that may be needed to meet anticipated demand for affordable housing.

  5. An analysis of the current average market price and the current average market rent for each housing type, taking into account location in the municipality.

  6. An analysis of potential impacts on the housing market and on the financial viability of development or redevelopment in the municipality from inclusionary zoning by-laws, taking into account:

    1. value of land,

    2. cost of construction,

    3. market price,

    4. market rent, and

    5. housing demand and supply.

  7. A written opinion on the analysis described in section f) from a person independent of the municipality and who, in the opinion of the council of the municipality, is qualified to review the analysis.

Assessment reports must also be made available to public before inclusionary zoning polices are adopted or before parts of the official plan that contain inclusionary zoning policies are amended.

Official Plan Requirements

Municipalities that are permitted to establish inclusionary zoning policies must ensure the Official Plan contains:

  1. goals, objectives, and a description of the measures and procedures proposed to attain those goals and objectives; and

  2. prescribed provisions and matters, which include:

    1. the minimum size, not to be less than 10 residential units, of development or redevelopment to which an inclusionary zoning by-law would apply.

    2. the locations and areas where inclusionary zoning by-laws would apply.

    3. the range of household incomes for which affordable housing units would be provided.