standards established by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). The total cost of the study was $11,000 and a grant for 50% (i.e. $5,500) was issued by the City in August 2019.

While not required, the new owner of the property intends to file a Record of Site Condition (RSC), which involves upgrading the Phase Two ESA to comply with more rigorous standards set out in regulation issued under the Environmental Protection Act. Filing a RSC will also require clean up of contaminated soil.


Proposed Brownfield Redevelopment

A self-storage facility consisting of five buildings, totalling 2,350 m2 is proposed. The facility would have access to Tecumseh Road West and be located behind the existing homes on Partington Avenue and Roxborough Boulevard. The zoning requires a continuous screening fence or wall consisting of brick or decorative concrete between the facility and abutting residential uses.

While the construction of a self-storage facility doesn’t require the filing of a RSC, the owner has elected to remediate contaminated soils identified by the 2019 Phase Two ESA Study and file a RSC with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.

A remedial work plan prepared by the owner’s environmental consultant proposes to remove 4,925 cubic metres of contaminated soil and replace it with clean fill. The total cost of the proposed remediation and filing a RSC is $189,500. There is also an estimated $840,000 in site servicing costs and development application fees that are eligible under the Brownfield Redevelopment CIP.

The total project budget is $1.9M including soil remediation, site servicing, paving, and building construction. To offset the eligible costs the owner has applied under the following Brownfield Redevelopment CIP programs:

Environmental Site Assessment Grant Program

The Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Grant Program offers a matching grant to property owners of brownfield sites to conduct environmental studies that provide information on the type and extent of contamination and potential remediation costs. The program offers 50% of the cost of an eligible study up to a maximum grant of $15,000 or $25,000 for two studies.