The subject property is designated ‘Mixed Use’ on Official Plan Schedule D: Land Use and it is zoned Commercial District (CD) 2.2, which permits a wide range of retail and service commercial uses, office uses, as well as dwelling units in a combined use building.

An application under the Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Grant Program was approved by Council at its May 4, 2020 meeting. The ESA grant pays for 50% of the cost of a Phase 2 ESA Study (e.g. testing soil and groundwater quality). The grant value is estimated at $12,500.

The principals of 1362279 Ontario LTD are Hessan Habib and Daniel Habib.


Proposed Brownfield Redevelopment

A four storey mixed use building is proposed containing ground floor commercial uses and 24 dwelling units on floors 2, 3 and 4. The proposed development requires a Record of Site Condition (RSC) be filed with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks prior to any residential building permits being issued. A RSC documents the soil and groundwater quality relative to the prescribed standards for the proposed land uses. The Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment study completed by the owner indicates remedial work is required in order to file a RSC.

A remedial work plan prepared by the owner’s environmental consultant proposes to remove 150 cubic metres of contaminated soil and replace it with clean fill. Underground hydraulic hoists, an oil/water separator, and trench drain used by the former automotive repair garage also need to be removed. The total costs of the proposed site remediation is $99,300. There are also approximately $1M in other eligible costs related to site servicing, demolition, and development application fees.

To offset the eligible costs the owner has applied under the following Brownfield Redevelopment CIP programs:

Brownfield Property Tax Assistance Program

The Brownfields Property Tax Assistance Program may cancel any increase in municipal property taxes on a brownfield property for up to three years during rehabilitation and redevelopment. Through the municipality—property owners may also apply to the Province for a matching cancellation of any increase in education property taxes. Under the tax cancellation provision of the Municipal Act (i.e. section 365.1) the