Updating of assessment report

(10) Within five years after the parts of its official plan which contain policies described in subsection (4) come into effect, the council of the municipality shall ensure that an updated assessment report is prepared for the purpose of determining whether any of those parts of the official plan should be amended. 2016, c. 25, Sched. 4, s. 1 (3).

Periodic updating

(11) As long as its official plan contains policies described in subsection (4), the council of the municipality shall ensure that an updated assessment report is prepared within five years after the date of the most recent updated assessment report, for the purpose of determining whether any of the parts of the official plan which contain policies described in subsection (4) should be amended. 2016, c. 25, Sched. 4, s. 1 (3).

Requirements relating to assessment reports

(12) The council of the municipality shall ensure that the initial assessment report and every updated assessment report includes the information and documents specified in the regulations and complies with the requirements specified in the regulations. 2016, c. 25, Sched. 4, s. 1 (3).

Assessment reports to be made available to public

(13) The council of the municipality shall ensure that the initial assessment report is made available to the public before the parts of the official plan which contain policies described in subsection (4) are adopted and that every updated assessment report is made available to the public before any amendments to the parts of the official plan which contain policies described in subsection (4) are adopted. 2016, c. 25, Sched. 4, s. 1 (3).



By-laws to give effect to inclusionary zoning policies

35.2 (1) If the official plan in effect in a local municipality contains policies described in subsection 16 (4),
  1. the council of the municipality shall pass one or more by-laws under section 34 to give effect to the policies, if the municipality is prescribed for the purpose of subsection 16 (4);

  2. the council of the municipality may pass one or more by-laws under section 34 to give effect to the policies, if the municipality is not prescribed for the purpose of subsection 16 (4). 2016, c. 25, Sched. 4, s. 4.

Content of by-law 

(2) If a by-law is passed under section 34 to give effect to policies described in subsection 16 (4), the by-law
  1. shall require that the development or redevelopment of specified lands, buildings or structures include,

    1. the number of affordable housing units determined under the regulations or, in the absence of such regulations, the number of affordable housing units determined under the by-law, or

    2. affordable housing units occupying the gross floor area determined under the regulations or, in the absence of such regulations, the gross floor area determined under the by-law;

  2. shall require that the affordable housing units be maintained as affordable housing units for the period of time determined under the regulations or, in the absence of such regulations, for the period of time determined under the by-law;

  3. shall require that the affordable housing units meet the requirements and standards specified in the regulations or, in the absence of such regulations, that the affordable housing units meet requirements and standards specified in the by-law;