The area surrounding the intersection of Howard Avenue and Cabana Road consists of primarily residential, single detached dwellings with the intersection itself serving as a commercial node to the surrounding area. On the south-east corner of the intersection, adjacent to the west side yard of the proposal, is a plaza containing a restaurant, veterinarian and dentistry. The north-east corner consists of a Rexall pharmacy. The south-west property is small-scale commercial. To the north-west is a convenience store and bakery. Land uses to the east of the site include residential dwellings and Roseland Public School. The area has been subject to a number of residential and commercial developments to the north and also west of Howard Avenue/Cabana Road intersection.

Cabana Road is designated as a Class II Arterial Road in the City of Windsor Official Plan. There are sidewalks and no on-street parking provisions. Municipal services are available to the site. The intersection is served by the South Windsor 7 and Dougall 6 bus routes.