Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Archaeology Programs Unit, 1-416-212-8886, Archaeology@ontario.ca

Windsor Police: 911

Ontario Ministry of Government & Consumer Services

Registrar of Burial Sites, War Graves, Abandoned Cemeteries and Cemetery Closures, 1-416-212-7499, nancy.watkins@ontario.ca

Public Works

The subject land at 525 and 535 Cabana Road is located east of Howard Avenue. The applicant is requesting the property be rezoned to allow the addition of 2 new permitted uses to the existing site specific provisions that apply to the site. The applicant proposes that the existing Residential District (RD) 1.4 zone with site specific provisions (S.20(1)223) be maintained, and that the additional uses of Restaurant and Take-out Restaurant be added to the list of permitted uses in the site specific provisions.

The City of Windsor’s Official Plan classifies Cabana Road as a Class II Arterial Road requiring 32m of public right-of-way. The current right-of-way width at the subject property is 24.5m. The Cabana Road Environmental Assessment has been completed for this location of Cabana Road and does require any additional land along the south side; therefore, land conveyance is not required.

The sewers fronting the subject property are 250mm PVC sanitary sewer, east bound lane of Cabana Road and a 900mm concrete storm sewer, south side of Cabana road. The Cabana Road Environmental Assessment has been completed and the applicant is required to utilize the newly constructed private drain connections & driveway approach.

Site servicing drawings will be required for storm, sanitary and water services for the subject site as well as a lot grading plan and storm detention calculations restricting stormwater runoff to pre-development levels. A sampling manhole is to be provided at the property line, if one does not already exist.

The applicant will be required to obtain a Street Opening Permit for any new work within the right-of-way.

In summary, we have no objections to the proposed site plan control application, subject to the following requirements:

Site Plan Control Agreement – The applicant enters into an agreement with the City of Windsor for all requirements under the General Provisions of the Site Plan Control Agreement for the Engineering Department.

Sanitary Sampling Manhole – The owner agrees to install a sanitary sampling manhole accessible at the property line of the subject lands to the City Engineer at all times. The determination of the requirement or interpretation if a sampling manhole exists or exceptions to such will be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Sandy Mio, of this department at 519-255- 6257, ext. 6216.