Same as the definition provided in the Provincial Policy Statement, 2014


Housing Incentive


The Affordable Housing Incentive Program will exempt municipal fees for developments that meet the definition of affordable housing.



Housing City of



Charges Deferral


Through the Affordable Housing Development Charges Deferral Program, the development charge will be paid 20 years after the issuance of a building permit.



Housing Tax

Increment Grant


This program would provide a grant to property owners who undertake the development or redevelopment of their properties that would result in a reassessment of the properties.

  • This incentive program would be applied over a 20 year period.

  • The grant amount for this program shall not exceed 100% of the increase in the City portion of the taxes in years one to 15, decreasing to 80% in year 16, 60% in year 17, 40% in year 18, 20% in year 19, with the owner paying the full amount of taxes in year 20.


Peterborough Affordable Housing Community Improvement Plan (2012)

Affordable Definition

CIP Programs


Program Details


Same as the definition provided in the Provincial Policy Statement, 2005

Municipal Incentive Program

The Municipal Incentive Program will waive these municipal fees (planning application fees, parkland fees and cash-in-lieu of parking fees) for developments that meet the definition of affordable housing.



Charges Grant


Assistance will be in the form of a grant from the Affordable Housing Partnership Reserve Fund for any new affordable housing units.



Housing Tax

Increment Based

Grant Program

This program would provide a grant to property owners who undertake the rehabilitation of their properties that

- The grant amount for this program shall not exceed 100% of the increase in the Municipal portion of the taxes in years one to five of the program, decreasing to 80% in year six, 60% in