Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, June 8, 2020

Enbridge Gas requirement - a minimum separation of 0.3m from all Gas facilities.

Noise mitigation measures – implementation of the mitigation measures recommended in the Noise Report dated January 22, 2020, prepared by Akoustik Engineering Limited.


Report Number: S 42/2020

Clerk’s File: ZB/13675

7.2. OPA & Rezoning – Responsive Group – 3175-3215 Banwell - OPA 131 OPA/6047 Z-004/20 ZNG/6046 -Ward 7

Moved by: Member Gyemi

Seconded by: Member Moore

Decision Number: DHSC 166

THAT Volume 1: The Primary Plan of the City of Windsor Official Plan BE AMENDED by changing the land use designation of Part of Lots 143 and 144, Concession 1, designated as Parts 1 to 4, 11 to 15, and 26 to 30, Plan 12R-27789 (PIN 01566-0995; Roll No. 070-890-02411), situated on the west side of Banwell Road between Tecumseh Road East and Palmetto Street, on Schedule D:

THAT Zoning By-law 8600 BE AMENDED by changing the zoning of Part of Lots 143 and 144, Concession 1, designated as Parts 1 to 4, 11 to 15, and 26 to 30, Plan 12R-27789 (PIN 01566-0995; Roll No. 070-890-02411), situated on the west side of Banwell Road between Tecumseh Road East and Palmetto Street, from HCD2.1 and S.20(1)181 to Residential District 3.20 (RD3.20) on the following basis:



Lot Frontage – minimum

As existing


Lot Area – minimum

As existing


Lot Coverage – maximum



Main Building Height – maximum

14.0 m


Front Yard Depth – minimum

3.50 m