Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, June 8, 2020

There being no further business the meeting of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee (Planning Act Matters) portion is adjourned at 2:58 o’clock p.m.

The Chairperson calls the Administrative Items portion of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting to order at 2:59 o’clock p.m.


11.1. Response to B3/2020 Directing Administration to Report Back with a Neighbourhood Residential Rehabilitation Grant Program and List of Funded CIPs

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Decision Number: DHSC 170

THAT the report of the Planner III Special Projects dated April 27, 2020 entitled “Response to B 3/2020 Directing Administration to Report Back with a Neighbourhood Residential Rehabilitation Grant Program and List of Funded CIP’s” BE RECEIVED for Information; and,

THAT a micro grant program for the Downtown Community Improvement Plan, using the Ford City Community Improvement Plan as the basis, BE APPROVED.

Report Number: S 68/2020

Clerk’s File: Z/10320

11.2. Application by the Registered Owner (1603965 Ontario Ltd.) of 3311 Peter Street for an exemption from Demolition Control By-law 20-2007 and an application for Financial Incentives under the Sandwich Community Improvement Plan (Ward 2)

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

Decision Number: DHSC 171

I. THAT the Chief Building Official BE AUTHORIZED to issue a demolition permit to the registered owner (1603965 Ontario Ltd.), under an Agreement of Purchase and Sale, to demolish a one (1) storey single unit detached dwelling located at 3311 Peter Street (see Appendix ‘A'), to construct a one (1) storey single family residential dwelling with a secondary suite when an executed Site Plan Control Agreement has been registered on title with the appropriate securities to ensure the redevelopment occurs within a specified time period to fulfill the conditions of the Site Plan Control Agreement; and,