APPENDIX E - Consultations


The subject lands are located at 1091 California Avenue, designated Residential on Schedule D by the City of Windsor Official Plan and zoned Residential District 1.3 (RD1.3) by Zoning By-Law 8600. The applicant is requesting an amendment to Zoning By-law 8600 changing the zoning from Residential District 1.3 (RD1.3) to Residential District 2.1 (RD2.1) and a site specific provision to allow a for a reduction in minimum lot width for a Semi-detached Dwelling from 15.0 m to 14.0 m, to allow for the construction of a Semi-detached Dwelling on the subject parcel.

The site may be serviced by a 300mm PVC sanitary sewer and a 600mm vitrified clay storm sewer within California Avenue right-of-way. If possible, existing connections should be utilized. Any redundant connections shall be abandoned in accordance with the City of Windsor Engineering Best Practice B.P 1.3.3.

Schedule X of the Official Plan classifies California Avenue as a Local Road, requiring a right-of-way width of 20.m. The current right-of-way is 15.2m; therefore, a land conveyance for 2.4m is required, but is not being requested. Driveways are to be constructed as per AS-221 or AS-222, complete with straight flares and no raised curbs within the right-of-way.

In summary we have no objection to the proposed rezoning.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Shannon Mills, of this department at

CITY OF WINDSOR – HERITAGE PLANNER – Kristina Tang, May 15, 2020

There is no apparent built heritage concern with this property, and it is located on an area of low archaeological potential. Nevertheless, the Applicant should be notified of the following archaeological precaution.

  1. Should archaeological resources be found during grading, construction or soil removal activities, all work in the area must stop immediately and the City’s Planning & Building Department, the City’s Manager of Cultural Affairs, and the Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries must be notified and confirm satisfaction of any archaeological requirements before work can recommence.

  2. In the event that human remains are encountered during grading, construction or soil removal activities, all work in that area must be stopped immediately and the site secured. The local police or coroner must be contacted to determine whether or not the skeletal remains are human, and whether the remains constitute a part of a crime scene. The Local police or coroner will then notify the Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries and the Registrar at the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services if needed, and notification and satisfactory confirmation be given by the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries.


Windsor Planning & Building Department: 519-255-6543 x6179,

Windsor Manager of Cultural Affairs:

Cathy Masterson, 519-253-2300x2724,