The proposed Transport Terminal is consistent with the Official Plan and Zoning By-law 8600.

The parcel is adjacent to two streets: Drouillard Road, a Class 1 Collector Road, and Metcalfe Street, a Local Road. Despite having a Metcalfe Street address, the primary vehicular access is from Drouillard Road, just south of the Essex Terminal Railway. There is gated access on Metcalfe Street. A portion of Metcalfe Street adjacent to the subject parcel was recently reconstructed. Drouillard Road is a designated Truck Route.

The City is conducting a Traffic Calming Study on Drouillard Road between Wyandotte Street East and Seminole Street. Traffic calming measures are intended to improve conditions for non-motorized users, alter driver behaviour and reduce negative effects of motor vehicle use. A Public Information Centre was held on February 26, 2020. The City is currently seeking input from the public and will report back to Council in the future.

The proposed Transport Terminal will have minimal impact on surrounding infrastructure.

The Essex Terminal Railway (ETR) rail corridor is located adjacent to the northerly property line of the subject parcel. A municipal park and residential uses are located north of the ETR rail corridor. Drouillard Road contains a mix of residential and commercial uses. Ford Motor Company of Canada has a significant industrial operation to the east. There are residential uses across Metcalfe Street to the south. The residential uses in the surrounding area are a sensitive land use.

The proposed Transport Terminal IS proximate to a sensitive land use.