Based on an extensive review of the technical planning and policy related issues, the exisƟng industrial development is appropriate for the subject site and consistent with good planning principles. We recommend that the ExempƟon from Interim Control By-law, as submiƩed, be approved for the following reasons:

  1. The current use at 2650 Metcalfe Street is “consistent” with the Provincial Policy Statement for the reasons identified in Section 3.1 of this report.

  2. The current use at 2650 Metcalfe Street is in conformity with the intent of the Industrial policies of the Official Plan.

    • The site is physically suitable and strategically located to support the existing industrial use;

    • The existing use is in keeping with the established goals and objectives outlined in Section 6.4 in the Official Plan; and

    • The development will help support transit use and freight-related uses in close proximity to a major expressway.

  3. The Zoning By-law 8600 permits transport terminals as the main use in the MD2.1 Zone. The site is used exclusively for the existing transport terminal. Transport terminals are defined as an ‘industrial use’ in Zoning By-law 8600 and the MD2.1 Zone permits industrial uses as a main use on the subject site. Therefore, a Zoning By-law Amendment is not required to permit the existing use on the subject site. The requested relief from the Interim Control By-law 78-2019 is for an existing main use.

  4. Specific design details are being considered during the on-going site plan control process to address adjacent resident concerns (where applicable).

For these reasons, it is my professional opinion that the current use at 2650 Metcalfe Street be considered for exempƟon from Interim Control By-law 78-2019.







Melanie Muir, MCIP RPP