Option B - If Council chooses to APPROVE the exemption, the motion shall read as:

  1. “That the request of 4207785 Canada Inc. for an exemption from the provisions of Interim Control By-law By-law 78-2019 for the property at 2650 Metcalfe Street BE APPROVED.

  2. That Council AMEND By-law 78-2019 by adding to Section 6 the following:
    “h) 2650 Metcalfe Street - West side of Drouillard Road, north side of Metcalfe Street

    Lots 1 to 4, Lot 86, Part of Closed Alley, Registered Plan 1149; Part of Lot 55, Registered Plan 55. PIN 01094-0805; Roll No. 010-150-04000” 

Planning Act Matters:

I concur with the above comments and opinion of the Registered Professional Planner.

Thom Hunt, MCIP, RPP

City Planner

I am not a registered Planner and have reviewed as a Corporate Team Leader.



Name Title
Neil Robertson Manager, Urban Design
Thom Hunt City Planner
Wira Vendrasco Deputy City Solicitor
Shelby Askin Hager City Solicitor
Onorio Colucci Chief Administrative Officer


Name Address Email
Melanie MuirDillon Consulting Limited 3200 Deziel Drive, Suite 608 Windsor ON N8W 5K8 mmuir@dillon.ca
Doug Karamarkovic 4207785 Canada Inc. 3024 Lauzon Road Windsor ON N8T 2Z8  
Councillor Sleiman    
Property Owners within 120 m of subject parcel


  1. Appendix A - Interim Control By-law 78-2019

  2. Appendix B - Letter from 4207785 Canada Inc. dated February 13, 2020

  3. Appendix C - Letter from Dillon Consulting, dated February 18, 2020

  4. Appendix D - Planning Justification Report, Dillon Consulting, February 2020

  5. Appendix E - Extracts from Zoning By-law 8600