1. the ability to achieve the associated policies as outlined in the Urban Design chapter of this Plan;

  2. the provision of appropriate landscaping or other buffers to enhance:

    1. all parking lots, and outdoor loading, storage and service areas; and

    2. the separation between the industrial use and adjacent sensitive uses, where appropriate.

  3. motorized vehicle access is oriented in such a manner that industry related traffic will be discouraged from using Local Roads where other options are available;

  4. pedestrian and cycling access is accommodated in a manner that is distinguishable from the access provided to motorized vehicles and is safe and convenient;

  5. loading bays and service areas are located to avoid conflict between pedestrian circulation, service vehicles and movement along the public right-of-way; and

  6. the design of the development encourages and/or accommodates public transportation services.

  7. The design of the development encourages the retention and integration of existing woodlots, vegetation and drainage corridors where feasible to provide amenity areas for employees and to create a positive visual image of industry in Windsor. (added by OPA #60–05/07/07-B/L85-2007–OMB Decision/Order No.2667, 10/05/2007)