Planning, Heritage & Economic Development Committee Meeting
Monday, June 8, 2020

Noise mitigation measures – implementation of the mitigation measures recommended in the Noise Report dated January 22, 2020, prepared by Akoustik Engineering Limited.

Report Number: S 42/2020

Clerk’s File: ZB/13675

7.2 Z 004-20 [ZNG-6046] & OPA 131 [OPA-6047] – Responsive Group Inc. 3175, 3195 & 3215 Banwell Rd. – Zoning & Official Plan Amendment

Adam Szymczak (author), Senior Planner – presents application.

Matt Campbell (agent), representing the applicant – is available for questions.

Rajan Phillips – is available for questions.

Matt Galvin – is available for questions.

Pat Soulliere (resident) – has concerns about the corner of Banwell & Tecumseh

Greg Bowman (applicant) – available for questions.

Member Rondot asks what is going to happen with Banwell Gardens property. Greg Bowman answer that they are not sure yet.

Member Gyemi asks various questions regarding traffic.

Mr. Bowman answers they need 3-4 acres and they chose the site as it is right across the road from the current site.

Councillor Sleiman asks if this LTC home will be larger than the previous site. Mr. Bowman yes by 50 beds.