-----Original Message-----
From: Max wang
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 12:58 PM
To: clerks
<clerks@citywindsor.ca> Subject: Owner 985 California </clerks@citywindsor.ca>

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This is Chun Meng Wang who is owner of 985 California at WINDSOR.

Base on the development of 955 California which is already demolished they land and already cause my tenants complain few time in the past and we are having hard time to keep steady good tenants to lease from unit and not to mention all those noice and dusting in the future. So as the owner of 985 California and I do feel this development is going to effect worth for my future leases with tenants and really not wish that won’t be able to do so unless they will provide more safety way and cooperate with our landlord near them


Chun Meng Wang
