Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Tuesday, April 14, 2020


7.1. Zoning By-law Amendment Application for 4100 7th Con. Rd.; Applicant: MAA AshaPuri Enterprises Inc.; File No. Z-020/19, ZNG/5980; Ward 9.

Moved by: Councillor Sleiman

Seconded by: Councillor Holt

THAT the report of the Senior Planner – Subdivisions dated February 28, 2020, entitled “Zoning By-law Amendment Application for 4100 7th Con. Rd.; Applicant: MAA AshaPuri Enterprises Inc.; File No. Z-020/19, ZNG/5980; Ward 9” BE DEFERRED to a future meeting of the Development and Heritage Standing Committee to allow for the public’s concerns to be addressed with Administration and the applicant.

At the request of Chairperson Bortolin, a recorded vote is taken.

Aye votes: Councillors Bortolin, Holt, Morrison, and Sleiman, and Members Gyemi, Moore, and Rondot.

Nay votes: None.

Absent: None.

Abstain: None

Report Number: S 42/2020

Clerk’s File: ZB/13675

7.2. Interim Control By-law Exemption 2020-9 - SBDRE (Windsor) Holdings Company Ltd. - 1790 Provincial Road - Ward 9

Jared Dykstra, Senior Planner, Zelinka Priamo Ltd.

Jared Dykstra, Senior Planner, Zelinka Priamo Ltd. is available for questions via teleconference for the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report “Interim Control By-law Exemption 2020-9 - SBDRE (Windsor) Holdings Company Ltd. - 1790 Provincial Road - Ward 9”.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Decision Number: DHSC 150

1) That the request of SBDRE (Windsor) Holdings Company Ltd. for an exemption from the provisions of Interim Control By-law By-law 78-2019 for the property at 1790 Provincial Road Street BE APPROVED.