Comments from Municipal Departments & External Agencies

CANADA POST - Bruno DeSando, Dec. 17, 2019

Canada Post has no comments for the attached application.

ENGINEERING - DEVELOPMENT, PROJECTS & ROW – Rob Perissinotti & Pat Winters, Jan 17, 2019

The subject lands are located at 4100 7th Concession Rd. The applicant is proposing a 4,027m² hotel building footprint, including 100 new parking, 2 loading & 7 bicycle spaces. We have reviewed the servicing requirements relative to the current application and offer the following comments:

This site is within the limits of the County Road 42 portion of the Lauzon Parkway Improvements Environmental Assessment (EA). The applicant is required to provide conveyances consistent with the requirements of the EA as a condition of this application. Based on timing, the servicing requirements specified below are based on interim or existing conditions until the specified upgrades are implemented at a future date by the City. Additionally, the Official Plan classifies 7th Concession Road as a Class 2 Collector, requiring a right-of-way width of 26.0m. The current right-of-way width is 20.10m; therefore, a land conveyance in the amount of 3.0m is required. Baseline Road is classified as a Class 2 Arterial, requiring a right-of-way width of 24.0m. The current right-of-way width is 20.0m; therefore, land conveyance in the amount of 2.0m is required.

There is no sanitary sewer currently available to service this site. Based on discussions within the Engineering Department, a Local Improvement to construct a municipal sanitary sewer along Baseline Rd. must be undertaken. The applicant will be required to connect to this municipal sanitary sewer following its installation.

This site is serviced by the Baseline Road Drain, which is located along the north boulevard of Baseline Rd and is enclosed by an existing 600mm reinforced concrete pipe. Any new connection to the enclosed road drain shall be completed in accordance with City of Windsor Engineering Best Practice BP.1.3.2. Storm water management completed in accordance with the Windsor/Essex Region Stormwater Standards Manual and a site grading plan will be required. An oil and grit separator will need to be installed on any storm outlet from the site. Connection to the drain also requires approval from ERCA.

Any driveway approaches shall be constructed of concrete as per AS-204, complete with straight flares and no raised curbs within the right-of-way.

In summary, we have no objections to the proposed site plan control application, subject to the following requirements: (Note, these conditions are to supersede those requested during the site plan control process)

Site Plan Control Agreement – The applicant enter into an agreement with the City of Windsor for all requirements under the General Provisions of the Site Plan Control Agreement for the Engineering Department.