2) THAT Council AMEND By-law 78-2019 by adding to Section 6 the following:
“f) 4810 Walker Road – East side of Walker Road at Ducharme Street

Councillor Sleiman and Member Gyemi voting nay.

Report Number: S 25/2020

Clerk’s File: Z/13528

7.10. Zoning By-law Amendment 3756 Howard Avenue ZNG/5982 (Z021/19) - ADE Development & Leasing Corp. - Ward 9

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Decision Number: DHSC 139

  1. THAT an amendment to City of Windsor Zoning By-law 8600 BE APPROVED, changing the zoning of Part of Block A, Registered Plan 1259; identified as Parcel A in Appendix A of this report from Residential District (RD) 1.1 and (Holding) Residential District (HRD) 1.1 to Residential District (RD) 3.1, with the following additional specific regulations:

    385. i. Main Building Height –Multiple Dwelling -Maximum – 12 m

  2. THAT an amendment to City of Windsor Zoning By-law 8600 BE APPROVED, changing the zoning of Part of Lots 44 to 48, and Part of Block A, Registered Plan 1259; identified as Parcel B in Appendix A of this report from Residential District (RD) 1.1 and (Holding) Residential District (HRD) 1.1 to Residential District (RD) 3.1, with the following additional specific regulations:

    386 i. Interior side yard where a habitable room window of any dwelling unit faces a side lot line – Minimum - 4 m

    ii. Rear Yard Depth – Minimum – 6m

  3. THAT a hold prefix BE APPLIED to the site, to be removed when the following conditions have been met:

    1. An application is received to remove the hold;

    2. (a) Construction and conveyance of a 20m right-of-way from the existing north limit of Block 32, Plan 12M-440 directly through to the north limit of Part 1, 12R-27680 or