Council Report: S 37/2020

Subject: Close and Convey Part of the North/South Alley Between Windsor Avenue and McDougall Street, South of Wyandotte Street East, Abutting 241 Wyandotte Street East - Applicant: Abraham Bazzi - SAA/5910 - Ward 4


Date to Council: April 14, 2020
Author: Christopher Aspila MCIP, RPP
Senior Planner - Policy and Special Studies
Phone: 519-255-6543 x6446
Planning & Building Services
Report Date: March 25, 2020
Clerk’s File #: TBD

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


  1. That the portion of the 4.27 metre wide north/south alley located between Windsor Avenue and McDougall Street, south of Wyandotte Street East and abutting 241 Wyandotte Street East and shown on Drawing No. CC-1762 attached as Appendix “A”, BE ASSUMED for subsequent closure;

  2. That the portion of the 4.27 metre wide north/south alley located between Windsor Avenue and McDougall Street, south of Wyandotte Street East and abutting 241 Wyandotte Street East and shown on Drawing No. CC-1762 attached as Appendix “A”, BE CLOSED AND CONVEYED to the applicant, and adjusted as necessary, in a manner deemed appropriate by the City Planner, subject to the following:

    a) Easement, subject to their being accepted in the City’s standard form and in accordance with the City’s standard practice, be granted to:

    • ell Canada, Cogeco Cable Systems Inc., MNSi, and Enwin Utilities.

  3. THAT Conveyance Cost BE SET as follows:

    1. For alley abutting lands zoned Commercial CD3.6: $12.00 per square foot without easements and $6.00 per square foot with easements.