
Neighbourhood Map


2018 November 19

Council approves Housekeeping Amendment 2017-3 which adds Transport Terminal definition and provisions to Zoning By-laws

2019 March 27

Building Division conducts city wide Transport Terminal enforcement blitz

2019 June 13

Council approves Interim Control By-law 78-2019 (ICBL)

2020 February 24

Zelinka Priamo Ltd, acting on behalf of the property owner and the lessee, submits a request for an exemption from the ICBL

2020 March 6

Administration receives letter from Daniel Goyette, President, C.A.T. Inc., who is leasing the subject parcel 


The Building Division conducted a city-wide enforcement blitz on March 27, 2019 that identified 26 parcels with Transport Terminals that violated the Zoning By-law or lacked site plan approval pursuant to Site Plan Control By-law 1-2004. The subject parcel was not identified as one of the 26 parcels. As of the date of this report, there has been no enforcement against the parcel in regard to the operation of a Transport Terminal. 

Interim Control By-law 78-2019

Section 38(1) of the Planning Act permits a municipality to pass an interim control by-law (ICBL) that prohibits the use of land, buildings or structures for such purposes as set out in the by-law. This in effect “freezes” development on the lands (as described by the by-law) for a period not to exceed one year. An ICBL is an important planning tool