APPENDIX G – Draft By-law

B Y - L A W N UM B E R   -2020



Passed the day of  , 2020.

WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to further amend By-law Number 8600 of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Windsor, cited as the "City of Windsor Zoning By-law" passed the 31st day of March, 1986, as heretofore amended:

THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the City of Windsor enacts as follows:

1. That By-lay Number 85-18 cited as the “Township of Sandwich Comprehensive Zoning By-law” is REPEALED for the land located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Baseline Road and 7th Concession Road, described as Pt Lot 16, Concession 7, Sandwich East, and further described as PART 2,

2. By-law Number 8600 is further amended by changing the Zoning District Maps or parts thereof referred to in Section 1, of the by-law and made part thereof, so that the zoning district symbol of the lands described in Column 3 shall be changed from that shown in Column 5 to that shown in Column 6:

1. Item Number 2. Zoning District Map Part 3. Lands Affected 4. Official Plan Amendment Number 5. Zoning Symbol 6. New Zoning Symbol
1 T12&T13  Part of Lot 16, Concession 7, Sandwich East, described as PART 2, 12R16823; (located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Baseline Road and 7th Concession Road) n/a    HCD3.3 

3. That the holding (‘H’) symbol BE REMOVED when the applicant/owner submits an application to remove the ‘H’ symbol and the following conditions are satisfied::

a) The Owner(s) enter into an agreement with the Corporation of the City of Windsor for all requirements under the General Provisions of the Site Plan Control Agreement, including the following additional provisions, and any other provision deemed relevant:

Availability of municipal sanitary sewer – construct, or agree to construct, sanitary sewer extension from existing municipal sanitary sewer trunk within the subject area to the subject land, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

Local Improvement Works – sign petitions for and not to oppose the construction, under the provisions of Ontario Regulation 586/06 for local improvements, of a sanitary sewer abutting the subject lands.

Sewer Connections – obtain a permit from the Engineering Department to connect the private sanitary connection to the future service provided at the property line.

Land Conveyance for road widening purposes – gratuitous conveyance of

to the Corporation, in fee simple and without encumbrance, in accordance with the requirements of the County Road 42 portion of the Lauzon Parkway Environmental Assessment Report, and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer;

Corner Cut-Off – gratuitous conveyance of a corner cut-off sufficient in magnitude to facilitate improvements at the 7th Concession Road/County Road 42 Intersection, in