Policy 1.6.3 states, “Before consideration is given to developing new infrastructure and public service facilities: a) the use of existing infrastructure and public service facilities should be optimized; and b) opportunities for adaptive re-use should be considered, wherever feasible”.

Policy states, “Municipal sewage services and municipal water services are the preferred form of servicing for settlement areas. Intensification and redevelopment within settlement areas on existing municipal sewage services and municipal water services should be promoted, wherever feasible.”

The subject lands are within an area that is serviced by some municipal sewage services and municipal water services. This amendment promotes the optimization of the use of the existing infrastructure (storm sewer, watermains, electricity, transit system, etc) in the subject area. The proposed construction of a sanitary sewer connecting to an existing trunk sewer along the 8th Concession Rd helps to optimize the use of the existing sewer. The requested zoning by-law amendment is consistent with Policies 1.6.3 and of the PPS.

Policy states, “Airports shall be protected from incompatible land uses and development by: a) prohibiting new residential development and other sensitive land uses in areas near airports above 30 NEF/NEP; b) considering redevelopment of existing residential uses and other sensitive land uses or infilling of residential and other sensitive land uses in areas above 30 NEF/NEP only if it has been demonstrated that there will be no negative impacts on the long-term function of the airport; and c) discouraging land uses which may cause a potential aviation safety hazard.”

As noted already in this report, this amendment is for land below the 30NEF/NEP; therefore, compatibility is achieved and this amendment is consistent with policy

In summary, the above planning analysis together with the consultant’s analysis found in the Planning Justification Report (revised Dec. 2019), demonstrate that the subject zoning by-law amendment is consistent with the relevant Policies of the PPS 2014.


In order to strengthen Windsor’s economy, meet the land and infrastructure needs of employment activities and address concerns over compatibility, employment land uses are provided under two designations on Schedule D (of the OP) as either Industrial or Business Park.

The subject site is designated “Business Park” in the Land Use Schedule D of City of Windsor Official Plan. Business Park Land Use designation provides for business and industrial uses of a similar quality and character to locate together in highly visible areas according to a comprehensive development plan. The framework for development decisions in the Business Park areas within the City of Windsor can be found under in sections 6.4.1, 6.4.2, and 6.4.4 of the OP.

The following objectives are relevant in this discussion:

Compatible Development

Support Services