Permitted Uses in the CD3.3 zoning category (B/L 8600) can be found in Appendix C (Excerpts from Zoning By-law 8600) attached to this report. A hotel is permitted in the CD3.3 zoning category.

The Planning Justification Report confirms that the design of the proposed hotel complies with the CD3.3 provisions as well as parking and loading requirements of By-law 8600. Note that 100 motor vehicle parking spaces are proposed for the hotel. However, By-law 8600 requires 1 parking space for each guest room AND 1 parking space for each 22.5m2 gross floor area (GFA) used for a restaurant, convention hall, meeting room and other places of assembly.

The following conditions are recommended by municipal departments and external agencies for the approval of the requested amendment. See details in Appendix D attached to this report.

  1. Availability of municipal sanitary sewer – sanitary sewer extension to the subject lands.

  2. Local Improvement Works – for a sanitary sewer abutting the subject lands.

  3. Sewer Connections permit required - to connect the private sanitary connection to the future service provided at the property line by the Local Improvement.

  4. Land Conveyance for road widening purposes –3.0m wide parcel across the 7th Concession Rd frontage, and 2.0m wide parcel across the Baseline Rd frontage of the subject lands;

  5. Corner Cut-Off – per Lauzon Parkway Environmental Assessment Report;

  6. Sidewalks – construct concrete sidewalk along the entire 7th Concession Road and Baseline Road frontages of the subject lands, or contribute the sum of $25,000.00 towards the future construction of the required sidewalk;

  7. Curbs and Gutters – construct a concrete curb and gutter along the entire 7th Concession Rd and Baseline Road frontages of the subject lands, or contribute the sum of $14,000.00 towards the future construction of concrete curb and gutter on the frontages of the subject land;

  8. Storm Detention - construct storm detention scheme, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the Ministry of Environment, Conservation & Parks (MECP).

  9. ERCA Requirements – follow all drainage and flood-proofing recommendations of the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) and obtain permits from ERCA;

  10. Off-Site Improvement –an auxiliary westbound left-turn lane with a storage length of 15m at the intersection of Con. Rd 7 and West Driveway to be provided at the owner’s cost;

  11. Enbridge Gas requirement - a minimum separation of 0.3m from all Gas facilities.

  12. Noise mitigation measures – per Noise Report prepared by Akoustik Eng. Limited.

  13. Site Plan Control Agreement registered on title of the subject property

  14. MECP Approval for Storm Water Management for the subject site

To address the above recommended conditions, a holding provision is recommended for the approval of the Zoning By-law amendment. The holding symbol shall be removed when the applicant/owner submits an application to remove the ‘H’ symbol and the stipulated conditions are satisfied.

This zoning by-law amendment, as recommended in this report, maintains conformity with the Official Plan. A draft by-law is attached as Appendix G.