establishment changes to a use involving the aforementioned products, the said dwelling unit shall immediately cease to be occupied as a dwelling unit and shall not be used as a dwelling unit as long as the aforesaid mentioned products are handled in quantity in the commercial area of the building.

10.2.3 Highway Commercial Uses

a) Any lot used for the following purposes shall be restricted to a location fronting on the Provincial Highway Number 3 and County Road No. 42:

  1. automobile uses, including a gas bar;

  2. boat and recreation vehicle sales, service and storage;

  3. commercial recreation and entertainment establishment;

  4. furniture store;

  5. a garden supply center;

  6. hotel or motor hotel;

  7. motel;

  8. restaurants, including drive-in and fast food restaurants;

  9. taverns.

b) The following additional regulations shall apply to the uses defined in subsection 10.2.3 a) ii) through ix):


Maximum Lot Coverage

50 percent


Minimum Front Yard Depth

10.5 metres (34.45’)


Minimum Side Yard Width


Where the yard abuts a residential Institutional or parks and open Space zone or use

7.5 metres (24.60’)

Where the yard abuts a street;

4.5 metres (14.76’)