Based on the above, the Planning Division deems a portion of the subject north/south alley “dispensable” and supports the requested closure of the area shown as “Part 1” on Drawing No. CC-1757. The Planning Division does not support the closure of “Part 2” on the basis that it is used for access to parking at the rear of 727 Assumption Street.

The recommendation is to close and convey the “Part 1” of the alley to the abutting property owners.

Risk Analysis:

The recommended closure will divest the City of associated liability risks and maintenance costs. The recommended closure poses no known risk to The Corporation of the City of Windsor.

Financial Matters:

For alleys abutting lands zoned Residential RD2.2: $1.00, plus deed preparation, plus proportionate survey costs as invoiced to The Corporation of the City of Windsor by an Ontario Land Surveyor.


Consultations were held with Municipal Departments and Utility Companies, which resulted in the information found in attached Appendix “C”.

There were no objections from the municipal departments and utility companies for the requested alley closure.

Bell Canada has requested an easement over the northern portion of the alley located in “Part 2” on Drawing CC-1757. In the event that Council decides to close “Part 2” of the subject Alley (not recommended) an easement will be required and Recommendation II will need to be amended to add the easement in favour of Bell Canada.

Notices of the meetings of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee and Council are published in the Windsor Star prior to each of the meetings. In addition, notice of each of the public meetings will be mailed to the abutting/affected property owners prior to the meetings.


The Planning Division recommends closure of the portion of the north/south alley shown as “Part 1” on attached Appendix “A”.

The closed portion is to be conveyed to the abutting property owners as in Recommendation II of this report. 

Planning Act Matters: