SUBJECT: Request for Exception - Interim Control By-law 78-2019

Dear Mayor Dilkins,

Family owned and operated since 1978, C.A.T. Inc. serves the truckload requirements of businesses shipping between Canada and the USA. After 4 decades of service, we have grown to be in Canada’s Top 25 for-hire carriers. This accomplishment was attained by building a dedicated team, running quality operations, and retaining the loyalty and support of our valued customers. In 2014, C.A.T. purchased its first 100 CNG fuel trucks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from Eastern Canada & Western Canada to Windsor and to contribute to the welfare of all.

We are leasing 1790 Provincial Road for the purpose of a maintenance facility and LCV Terminal Destination. The City of Windsor has provided consent to the MTO for an LCV inbound route to our lands as a destination terminal.

The proposed use of the leased property falls under the Transport Terminal definition of Zoning By-law 8600. Transport Terminal is a permitted use on our lands, however, is it currently prohibited by Interim Control By-law 78-2019 which became a large problem for our business.

We understand Interim Control By-law 78-2019 is intended to be extended by another year.


We have requested to exempt our lands from Interim Control By-law 78-2019. This matter should be heard by the Planning Committee in April and Council in May and we are looking for Council’s support.

We have asked Planning Staff if we can park transport trucks and trailers on our site under the existing Loading Compound, Towing Facility or Public Parking Area permitted uses while our request is being considered by Council. We will comply with the exigences until an exemption is granted, however, we want to be able to park our vehicles at the mentioned area.

We have not heard back from Staff if we can park trucks in the interim which is critical for our business.