Item No. 7.1

Council Report: S 42/2020

Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application for 4100 7th Con. Rd.; Applicant: MAA AshaPuri Enterprises Inc.; File No. Z-020/19, ZNG/5980; Ward 9.


Date to Council: April 14, 2020
Author: Justina Nwaesei, MCIP, RPP
Senior Planner - Subdivisions
519-255-6543, ext. 6165
jnwaesei@citywindsor.caPlanning & Building Services
Report Date: February 28, 2020
Clerk’s File #: TBD

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


Availability of municipal sanitary sewer – construct, or agree to construct, sanitary sewer extension from existing municipal sanitary sewer trunk within the subject area to the subject land, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

Local Improvement Works – sign petitions for and not to oppose the construction, under the provisions of Ontario Regulation 586/06 for local improvements, of a sanitary sewer abutting the subject lands.