DATE:    March 31, 2020 

TO:       Development and Heritage Standing Committee 

FROM:  Adam Szymczak, Senior Planning - Zoning

RE:       Revised Recommendation, Additional Information & Possible Options Our File No.: ICBL              Exemption 2020-4 – 3490 Marentette Avenue


1. THAT Report S 16/2020 BE AMENDED by deleting the recommendation in the report and replacing it with the following recommendation:

“1. TO Council FOR DECISION”


McTague Law Firm LLP (Brian L. Chillman, agent), on behalf of 2513821 Ontario Inc., requested that the property at 3490 Marentette Avenue be exempt from Interim Control By-law 78-2019 to allow the submission of an application for site plan approval to permit a proposed Repair Shop - Heavy and Transport Terminal development on the property.

Report S 16/2020 recommended that the request be denied on the basis that the proposed Transport Terminal is not permitted as a main use in the MD1.1 zoning, is in close proximity to a sensitive land use, and there is a likelihood that additional mitigation measures will be necessary to permit a Transport Terminal.

The agent requested deferral of the matter at the March 9, 2020 meeting of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee (DHSC) to allow the agent to discuss the matter with their client (the applicant) and to allow the agent to discuss potential options with the Planning Department.


The purpose of this memo is to report back on the discussion between the agent and the Planning Department and provide options to the DHSC and Council.

On March 30, 2019, Adam Szymczak, Senior Planner, and the agent, Mr. Chillman, discussed the matter by phone.

The agent took the position that the subject parcel was previously used for the storage of trucks, though as an accessory use (related to Tilbury Concrete), and notwithstanding the residential uses to the east, that there is a vacant parcel of land to the east, between the subject parcel and those residential uses that is designated Industrial in the Official Plan and zoned Manufacturing District 1.1 (MD1.1) by Zoning By-law 8600.

The agent further stated that vacant parcel would act as a buffer between the subject parcel the residential uses to the east. Mr. Chillman noted he will provide a formal email to confirm his position and provide the rationale in favour of granting the exemption.