flow from the subject lands. If these drawings are approved, the applicant(s) shall agree to construct this storm detention scheme, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

ERCA Requirements – The owner further agrees to follow all drainage and flood proofing recommendations of the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) may have with respect to the subject land, based on final approval will obtain all necessary permits from ERCA with respect to the drainage works on the subject lands.

Should you have any questions, please contact Rob Perissinotti, of this office at 519-255-6257, ext. 6615.

ENBRIDGE GAS (Operating as UNION GAS) – Sandro Aversa, Dec 17, 2019

After reviewing the provided drawing for 4100 7th Concession Rd, and consulting our mapping system, please note that Enbridge Gas has active infrastructure in the area. A PDF drawing of the proposed areas of work has been attached for reference.

Please Note:

  1. The shown piping locations are approximate and for information purposes only

  2. The drawings are not to scale

  3. This drawing does not replace field locates. Please contact Ontario One Call for onsite locates prior to excavating, digging, etc.

Enbridge Gas requires a minimum separation of 0.3m from all of our plant. Please ensure that this minimum separation requirement is maintained, and that the contractor obtains locates prior to performing any work and utilizes safe excavation practices while performing any work in the vicinity.