Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, March 09, 2020

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

Decision Number: DHSC 143

THAT City Council approve Option #3: Prohibition as follows:

THAT an amendment to the Property Standards By-law 9-2019 to have property owners remove any lighting that does not comply with the full cut-off clause found in LISS CR228/2005—Appendix D BE APPROVED; and,

THAT a moratorium on the installation of any new non-compliant lights in the City BE APPROVED; and,

THAT recognizing that there are situations where wording found in a Nuisance Lighting Bylaw may conflict with everyday safety controls by a municipality and that some events use temporary lighting that create a public attraction, That prohibitions WOULD NOT APPLY to the following:

Report Number: S 30/2020

Clerk’s File: ST2020

11.3. Sandwich Town Community Improvement Plan Neighbourhood Residential Rehabilitation, Development and Building Fees, and Revitalization Grant Applications – 3203 Peter St.; 700 Brock St.; 459 Watkins St.; 3596

Damian Kacprzak, ADA Architect

Damian Kacprzak, ADA Architect appears before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report Sandwich Town Community Improvement Plan