Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, January 13, 2020

proposed Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Study at 374 Ouellette Ave pursuant to the City of Windsor Brownfield Redevelopment Community Improvement Plan; and,

II. THAT the City Treasurer BE AUTHORIZED to issue payment up to a maximum of $8,000 based upon the completion and submission of a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Study completed in a form acceptable to the City Planner and City Solicitor.

Report Number: S 234/2019

Clerk's File: Z/8955

11.3. Downtown CIP Grant Applications made by St. Clair Rhodes Development Corp. for 119 Chatham Street and 149 Chatham Street East, Ward 3

Laura Diotte, Planner Ill - Special Projects

Laura Diotte, Planner Ill - Special Projects appears before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report Downtown CIP Grant Applications made by St. Clair Rhodes Development Corp. for 119 Chatham Street and 149 Chatham Street East, Ward 3 and provides a brief overview of the application and the property including its current uses. Renderings of the properties are reviewed and Ms. Diotte provides information relating to the financial incentives and adds that administration is recommending approval.

Damian Kacprzak, Architectural Design Associates Inc.

Damian Kacprzak of Architectural Design Associates Inc. appears before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report Downtown CIP Grant Applications made by St. Clair Rhodes Development Corp. for 119 Chatham Street and 149 Chatham Street East, Ward 3 and is available for questions.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

Decision Number: DHSC 129

I. THAT the request made by 2637283 Ontario Inc. (Owner) for the proposed development at 119 Chatham Street to participate in:

  1. the Building/Property Improvement Tax Increment Grant Program BE APPROVED for 100% of the municipal portion of the tax increment resulting from the proposed development for five (5) years in accordance with the Downtown Windsor Enhancement Strategy and Community Improvement Plan; and,

  2. the Commercial/Mixed Use Building Facade Improvement Grant Program BE APPROVED for a 50% matching grant to a maximum of $30,000 towards eligible costs pursuant to the Downtown Windsor Enhancement Strategy and Community Improvement Plan.