Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, December 09, 2019

The Chairperson calls the Administrative Items portion of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting to order at 5:29 o’clock p.m.


11.3. To Close and Convey the East/West Alley, South of Fazio Dr, East of Emilia Rd, Abutting 3180 Fazio Dr, Applicant D. Gatti - SAA/5679 Ward 1

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

THAT the report of the Planner III – Policy & Special Studies, dated November 18, 2019, entitled To Close and Convey the East/West Alley, South of Fazio Dr, East of Emilia Rd, Abutting 3180 Fazio Dr – Applicant D. Gatti – SAA/5679 Ward 1 BE DEFERRED to a future meeting of the Heritage & Development Standing Committee to allow for administration to meet with the applicant to discuss options.

Report Number: S 170/2019

Clerk’s File: SAA2019

11.1. To Close and Convey the Westerly Portion of North Terminal Rd, Northerly of Essex Terminal Railway. - SAS/5711 Applicant: B & S Dortmans - Ward 3

Christopher Aspila, Planner III, Policy & Special Studies appears before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report To Close and Convey the Westerly Portion of North Terminal Rd., Northerly of Essex Terminal railway. Applicant: B&S Dortmans Ward 3 and provides a brief overview of the property, application and displays a map and site photos of the property.

Brentan Dortmans, Applicant

Brentan Dortmans, Applicant appears before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the report To Close and Convey the westerly portion of North Terminal Road, northerly of Essex Terminal Railway (Ward 3) and indicates that he takes care of the property, refers to the report regarding Enwin having no issue with the closure, and is opposed to the administrative recommendation.

Councillor Holt inquires about a possible active transportation core through this area. Mr. Aspila indicates that has not yet been determined.

Councillor Holt inquires whether this type of closure has been requested in the past. Administration indicates they are not aware. They add that there is a sewer in the area and they would have to