Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, December 09, 2019

10.1. Walker Power Building, 325 Devonshire Road - Request for Heritage Conservation Easement (Ward 4)

An inquiry regarding the easement is made. Administration indicates it is for archaeological purposes. Some historical information is provided as well as information related to the Heritage Designation application which will be coming forward to the committee in early 2020.

Moved by: Member Foot

Seconded by: Member Baker

Decision Number: DHSC 110

  1. THAT the Owner of 325 Devonshire Road, ‘THE WALKER POWER BUILDING INC.’, ENTER into a Heritage Conservation Easement with the City according to Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act, for the conservation of the entirety of the railway turntable, and any other archaeological resources as required by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Sport and;

  2. THAT the CAO and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign the Heritage Conservation Easement in content satisfactory to the City Planner and form to the City Solicitor

Report Number: S 177/2019

Clerk’s File: MBA/13632

10.3. Heritage Alteration Permit for 2161 Riverside Drive - Exterior alterations to the Ross-Struthers House (Ward 2)

Kristina Tang, Heritage Planner appears before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report Heritage Alteration Permit for 2161 Riverside Drive – Exterior alterations to the Ross-Struthers House (Ward 2) and provides a brief overview of the application, the property and includes a timeline of occurrences. Ms. Tang indicates that the public alerted the City of changes occurring to the house and the City staff have had discussions with the current owners related to stucco repairs and balcony railing options. Ms. Tang indicates that the owner failed to apply for a heritage alteration permit prior to changes being completed to the property. Ms. Tang provides a brief overview of the recommendations in the administrative report. Administration indicates any alterations must meet the building code.

Frank Massimo and Wendy Moore, Property owners

Frank Massimo and Wendy Moore, Property owners, appear before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report Heritage Alteration Permit for 2161 Riverside Drive – Exterior alterations to the Ross-Struthers House (Ward 2) and indicate the intent of the alterations were not to change the original architectural aspects of the home. Mr. Massimo adds that after years of water damage he was advised by the contractor that the current structure couldn’t be replicated and had to be changed to solve the water issues. Mr. Massimo provides