Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, December 09, 2019

Moved by: Member Gyemi

Seconded by: Member Moore

THAT the Planning Act Minutes of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting held November 12, 2019 BE ADOPTED as presented.

Report Number: SCM 409/2019

Clerk’s File: MB2019



7.1. Request for Extension of Draft Approval for Plan of Subdivision (SDN002/03 as amended), located on the southeast quadrant of Little River Blvd and Florence Avenue intersection; File No. SDN-004/19 [SDN/5941]; Applicant - 2595562 Ontario Limited, o/a Fanelli Real Estate; Ward 7

Moved by: Councillor Sleiman

Seconded by: Member Moore

Decision Number: DHSC 107

I THAT the application of 2595562 Ontario Limited, O/A Fanelli Real Estate for the extension of the Draft Approval of the Plan of Subdivision for the lands located east of Cypress Avenue, from Firgrove Drive to the VIA Railway line, as shown on Map No. SDN-004/19-1 (enclosed) BE APPROVED, and further, that the Draft Plan Approval Extension shall lapse on ____________ (3 years from the date of City Council approval).

Report Number: S 218/2019

Clerk’s File: ZP/13641

7.2. Request for Extension Draft Approval for Plan of Subdivision for lands located west of Luxury Avenue, from Firgrove Drive to Mchugh Street, as shown on the Location Map below; File No. SDN-005/19 [SDN/5944]; Applicant - 2595562 Ontario Limited, o/a Fanelli Real Estate; Ward 7

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Member Gyemi

Decision Number: DHSC 108

I THAT the application of 2595562 Ontario Limited, O/A Fanelli Real Estate for the extension of the Draft Approval of the Plan of Subdivision for the lands located west of Magnolia Avenue