Sanitary: 1500mm Reinforced Concrete [south of development]

A servicing study is required for this development in order to confirm capacity exists in the proposed sewer outlets from this site. The City has recently completed a re-assessment study for the North Neighbourhood Pond, the findings of which the applicant will be required to comply with.

We also note that this site lies within the 300m buffer required for the future expansion of the Little River Pollution Control Plant. The applicant is required to comply with set back requirements as specified by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.


The applicant is required to provide municipal services to the vacant lots fronting the east side of the Florence Avenue Extension. A 1ft reserve will be registered across the frontage of the these lots preventing access to the services until such time as the owners have paid their proportionate share of the cost of the infrastructure constructed.

The proposed development is also subject to cost sharing for the past construction of the trunk storm sewer on Wyandotte Street east and the North Neighbourhood. The City of Windsor has previously borne these costs in order to ensure the subject lands are able to be serviced.

In summary, we have no objections to this application, subject to the following conditions:

SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT – The applicant agrees to enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Corporation of the City of Windsor with the General Provisions of Council Resolutions 233/98 and any other specific requirements.

SERVICING STUDY – The applicant shall agree to retain a consulting engineer to review the existing and proposed sewer system for this development to determine its affect on the municipal sewer system. The study shall be done to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the Chief Building Official. The applicant is required to demonstrate that no negative impacts will be realized by the existing surrounding community, before the proposed development will be allowed to proceed.

ALLEY CLOSING – Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, the applicant shall apply to the Street and Alley Closing Committee to close the existing alley adjacent to the subject property.

CORNER CUT OFF – The applicant(s) agree, prior to the issuance of a construction permit, to gratuitously convey corner cut offs at the following locations in accordance with City of Windsor Standard Drawing AS-230;

  1. 4.6mx4.6m (15’x15’) corner cut off at the southeast and southwest corner of the Wyandotte Street East and Florence Avenue intersection;

  2. 4.6mx4.6m (15’x15’) corner cut off at the northwest and southwest corner of the intersection between Florence Avenue and Street A; and