Woodall Construction Company Limited was hired to complete work including the removal of the drop ceiling to expose the original ceiling and beams. Additionally, supports were manufactured to shore up and repair beams. A new flat roof was installed with sheathing to protect deteriorating wood as well as provide insulation to the facility. The hanger floor was epoxied to protect the concrete floor from fluids like oil from planes. A fire suppression system was installed to meet the requirements of a museum. Although a new hanger door was installed in 2002, the original hanger doors are preserved on their original tracks. The front entrance was renovated to include an office, archive room, gift shop and accessible washrooms. However, the original layout and structure of the entrance was maintained. CH2A has a mission statement “to honour

Top left photo: Exterior of the Canadian Historical Aircraft Association (November

2019). Top right photo: exposed ceiling of the hanger (November 2019). Bottom left photo: original hanger door (c.2000). Bottom right photo: exterior of the hanger as a training facility (unknown date). Credit: Canadian Historical Aircraft Association.