completing all the interior and facade improvements and the new ground floor tenant has moved in. The application for these properties was submitted on May 7, 2019, and the proposed facade improvements were reviewed internally and agreed upon. The applicant needed to submit supporting documentation (i.e. – quotes for the proposed work), and therefore the City did not proceed to the Development and Heritage Standing Committee/Council. The applicant has completed the submission requirements and therefore the application can now proceed to Committee/Council.

Applicant Information:

119 Chatham Street Owner/Applicant: 2637283 Ontario Inc.
Principles Owners of 2637283 Ontario Inc..: Dino Maggio, Brian Schwab, Stephen Savage and John Savage

149 Chatham Street Owner/Applicant: St. Clair Rhodes Development Corp.
Principles Owners of St. Clair Rhodes Development Corp.: Dino Maggio, Brian Schwab, Stephen Savage and John Savage

Commercial/Mixed Use Building Facade Improvement Grant Program

This program is intended to encourage the redesign, renovation or restoration of commercial and mixed-use building facades in Downtown Windsor by providing a financial incentive to offset some of the costs associated with the improvement of commercial facades.

The program will consist of a grant whereby property owners will be eligible to receive a grant for 50% of the eligible costs of the facade improvements, up to a maximum of $20,000. Where facade improvements are proposed on a corner building, an additional $10,000 in grant funds can be applied for.

Appendix B contains a rendering of the proposed facade improvements, Appendix C contains photograph of the current building and Appendix D contains before photographs of the building. The owner’s estimated eligible costs for facade improvements are $600,000.

Building/Property Improvement Tax Increment Grant Program

This program is intended to provide economic incentive for the development, rehabilitation and redevelopment of properties in Downtown Windsor. The program provides an annual grant equal to 100% of the increase in municipal property taxes for five years, with the possibility of an extension up to a total of ten (10) years, after the project is completed and reassessed to help offset the costs of rehabilitating and redeveloping properties, as long as such development results in an increase in assessment and therefore an increase in property taxes.

The proposed improvements to the building are anticipated to increase the assessed value and therefore increase municipal taxes. This project qualifies for the Building/Property Improvement Tax Increment Grant and the Financial Matters section of this report discusses the estimated grant amount.