Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, December 09, 2019

Decision Number: DHSC 121 

THAT the application for an amendment to By-law 250-2004 (City of Windsor Sign By-law) to allow for the alteration of a legal non-conforming signs characteristics, as depicted in Appendix “A” Option 2, located along Riverside Drive (Legally known as Concession 1 Part of Lot 76; Part 1 of Registered Plan 12R14305) BE APPROVED; and,

THAT “Schedule E: Special Provisions for Individual Signs” of By-law 250-2004 (City of Windsor Sign By-law) BE AMENDED to allow for the specific alterations of the sign characteristic to permit double sided sign faces.

Report Number: S 193/2019

Clerk’s File: SAA2019

11.12. Downtown Windsor CIP Grant Application under the Commercial/Mixed Use Building Facade Improvement Grant Program made by Craft Heads at 324-328 Pelissier Street, Ward 3

Bryan Datoc, Co-owner representing Craft Heads

Bryan Datoc, Co-owner representing Craftheads appears before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report Downtown Windsor CIP Grant Application under the Commercial/Mixed Use Building Facade Improvement Grant Program made by Craft Heads at 324-328 Pelissier Street (Ward 3) and is available for questions.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Decision Number: DHSC 122

  1. THAT the request made by Craftheads Brewing Company to participate in the Commercial/Mixed Use Building Facade Improvement Grant Program BE APPROVED for 50% of the eligible costs to a maximum of $20,000 for masonry repair and storefront renovations at 324-328 Pelissier Street pursuant to the Downtown Windsor Enhancement Strategy and Community Improvement Plan.

  2. THAT the grant BE PAID to Craftheads Brewing Company upon completion of the facade improvements as shown in Appendix B to Report S 228/2019 within one (1) year of Council approval to the satisfaction of the City Planner and Chief Building Official. Grant funds to come from the City Centre Community Development Planning Fund (Project #7011022).

  3. THAT should the facade improvements not be completed in one (1) year, City Council AUTHORIZE that the funds be uncommitted and made available for other applications.

Report Number: S 228/2019

Clerk’s File: Z/12916