Site Background

The site is located in the Downtown neighbourhood on the east side of Ouellette Ave and north of Park Street (see Appendix A). The property has a frontage of 21m and an approximate land area of 0.07 hectare. It currently contains a 12 storey commercial building with a 2 storey mechanical penthouse that was completed in 1930, known as the Canada Building. According to the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report completed in November 2019, previous uses of the property have included a restaurant, beauty salon, barber shop, and retail on the main floor, and offices on the other floors. Historical uses surrounding the property have included retail, office, a former dry cleaning business, and a rifle range at the former Windsor Armory directly across the alley to the east.

The Canada Building was added to the Windsor Heritage Register as a designated property in 2008. Designed by architect Albert H. McPhail in the Arts and Crafts style, at the time of it’s completion in 1930 it was the tallest building in southwestern Ontario. Important elements in the heritage designation include the stonework on the western facade facing Ouellette, marble flooring in the first and second floor lobby areas, and ornate limestone detailing along the roofline of all four facades.

The subject property is located in the City Centre Planning District (Schedule E of the Official Plan). The land is designated ‘Mixed Use’ in the City’s Official Plan and it is zoned Commercial District (CD) 3.1, which permits a wide range of retail and service commercial uses, office uses, as well as dwelling units in a combined use building.

This grant application was made by Jackie Lassaline of Lassaline Planning Consultants, which has been authorized by the owner to act as agent for this application. The purchasers of the property are Celernus Investment Partners Inc., which is owned by Gordon Martin.


Environmental Site Assessment Grant Program

The Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Grant Program offers a matching grant to property owners of brownfield sites to conduct environmental studies that provide information on the type and extent of contamination and potential remediation costs. The program offers 50% of the cost of an eligible study up to a maximum grant of $15,000.

The owner has redeveloped the ground floor for restaurant use (i.e. Mazaar). While a Record of Site Condition (RSC) is not required for regulatory purposes, the owner is undertaking a Phase II ESA study to determine if the subject property has been