Item No. 10.2

Council Report: S 178/2019

Subject: Walker Power Building, 325 Devonshire Road - Request for Heritage Designation (Ward 4)


Date to Council: January 13, 2020
Author: Kristina Tang
Heritage Planner
Phone: 519-255-6543, ext. 6179


George Robinson
Planner II- Revitalization & Policy Initiatives
Phone: 519-255-6543, ext. 6531


Vincent Wen, Planning Co-Op Student
Planning & Building Services
Report Date: December 16, 2019
Clerk’s File #: MBA/13632


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


I. THAT the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to publish a Notice of Intention to Designate Walker Power Building, at 325 Devonshire Road, in accordance with Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for the reasons attached in Appendix ‘A’ 

Executive Summary: N/A


The Walker Power Building, constructed circa 1911-1913, located at 325 Devonshire Road (the subject property), was listed on the Windsor Municipal Heritage Register on August 27, 2007, as part of the initial set of properties included on for its cultural heritage value. Although the building has long been recognized for its heritage as an early industrial Walkerville building, it had been vacant for a number of years.

The current owners of the property purchased the property in recent years to redevelop it for commercial use. During the redevelopment process, a railway turntable feature located at the northwest corner of the building footprint was uncovered during excavation. Archaeological assessments conducted confirmed that the subject property has cultural heritage value and interest.