SDN-003/19-1 (located on the southwest corner of Wyandotte Street East and Florence Avenue intersection)

5. By-law Number 8600 is further amended by changing the Zoning District Maps or parts thereof referred to in Section 1, of the by-law and made part thereof, so that the zoning district symbol of the lands described in Column 3 shall be changed from that shown in Column 5 to that shown in Column 6:

1. Item Number  2. Zoning District Map Part   3. Lands Affected 4. Official Plan Amendment Number 5. Zoning Symbol   6. New Zoning Symbol
1 14 Part of Lot 138, Concession 1, excluding lands described as Block 35 and Block 36 on Map No. SDN-003/19-1 (located on the southwest corner of Wyandotte Street East and Florence Avenue intersection) - DRD1.1 HRD2.1

4. That the holding (‘H’) symbol BE REMOVED when the applicant/owner submits an application to remove the ‘H’ symbol and the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The Owner(s) apply to remove the hold provision; and

  2. Registration of a Final Plan of Subdivision.





First Reading - , 2020

Second Reading - , 2020

Third Reading - , 2020